Support of entire workflow of the Radiology department
About Company
Team has deep expertise in Radiology based on R&D projects with world famous Scientific Research Centers as well as experienced radiologists, incl.
First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov
  • 70 +
    Professional developers and project managers with the high level of industry competence
  • 12 years
    Experience in the Health Care IT solutions market
  • 50 +
    Large scale project implementations with continuous development
Our Advantages
  • High scalability & modularity
    Each component can be used both separately and to solve narrow tasks, and as part of a single integrated solution, adjusted for any scale.
  • Vendor neutral
    Easily integrated platform.
  • Flexible Business Model
    Trial period, subscription & unlimited license.
  • Compliance
    With industry standards and protocols (ISO, DICOM, HL7, IHE, FHIR) and information security requirements.
ROKAPAX Solutions
User Cases
Providing efficient diagnostical workflow
for radiologists
ROKAPAX in Numbers
> 5 000
diagnostic equipment integrated with
DIGIPAX solutions
> 3 000
organizations use our
IT solutions for the radiology workflow
> 100 000
monthly Active Users
> 2 million
protocols are created monthly on the DIGIPAX platform
> 55 million
studies conducted
> 11 billion
diagnostic images stored in our PACS systems
(over 32 per second)

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